Complete a Pickup

Complete a Pickup

Complete a Pickup

1. The driver will receive a notification to acknowledge receipt of the job on the delivery page.
2. Pickup job(s) are added to their run (delivery screen) and the driver can update order as required.
            3. To review the job details, on screen 01, tap the Pickup icon, the pickup details will display.
            4. On screen 02 [Optional], by default pickup info will display, if you wish you can add more details as below or tap on, I’ve Arrived button.
                        a.   [Optional] Tap on the Photo tab, to add photo.   
                        b.  [Optional] Tap on the Map tab to see location and access turn by turn-by-turn directions if required.
                        c.    [Optional] Tap on the Scan tab to perform item level scans.
                        d.   [Optional] Tap on the Weight icon to edit weight/dimensions.  
            5. On screen 03, tap on Sign button to move to the signature screen.
            6. On screen 04, tap on Sign button to complete the pickup process.
                        a.      [Optional] Tap on the Extra Charges button to add additional charges.
                        b.      [Optional] Tap on the Photo icon to add photo(s).    
            7. On screen 05, manually enter the receivers’ name and Capture receivers’ signature in the white box.
            8. Tap on the Complete button to finalise the job or Clear to redo previous step.

 Pickup Issue


1.     If there is any issue while performing the pickup, then tap on Pickup Issue button.
2.    On pickup issue screen, select the applicable reason with the help of drop-down button and then tap on Complete Pickup button.
      a. [Optional] If needed then you add comment in the comment section.
      b. [Optional] You can add extra charges or photo by tap on the applicable tab.
3.    On completed pickup screen, tap on Done button to complete the pickup.

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