Bulk Activities

Bulk Activities

Bulk Activities

In TransVirtual there is the ability to perform actions to consignments in bulk. This article guides you how to use this page in TransVirtual.  


1. To see the Bulk activities page, go to Transport > Administration > Bulk Activities, the bulk activities page will display as shown below.

2. On this page, there are 4 different tabs i.e., Scans, Status Changes, Customer Reassignment and Consignment Field Update. Each of these fields has a unique purpose and will allow you to perform actions in bulk.


1. This tab will allow you to add scans in bulk to a list of nominated consignment numbers. To do this, enter a list of connotes in the field as per below:


One Consignment number need to be added in one line, top to bottom for this to work properly. Ensure there are no preceding or succeeding spaces as these could cause issues when searching for consignments to apply scans to.

2. Once you have entered the connotes you want to apply scans to in bulk, then specify type of scan, location and tags that should be applied to your listed consignments with the help of drop and down button as shown below.


3. Scan Type: Field at the top is used to determine what scan you will be applying to the listed consignments. 
4. Scan Location: Field is required and is used to tell the system where the scan will be performed.

5. Scan Tag: Scan tags are simply used to add extra information to a scan - you may do a Depot In scan and have a scan tag of AMFreight - scans tags are simply a way of applying more information to a scan. Use this field to apply a scan tag from those you have setup, if needed.
6. The Event Date Time: This field help to show the time and date, when changes have been made. This date and time will display as in the history tab of a consignment.


In the above, if this time and date was applied, this would be the time stamp applied to the listed consignments, if needed them you can update the date as per your requirement.

7. User Comment: This filed is simply a way to apply a comment in bulk to each of your listed consignments.
8. Create Scan Manifest: Use toggle button to create a manifest for these bulk scans if required. You may wish to see a manifest/list of the consignments you have applied these scans to in bulk. Toggle to yes if you require a manifest for this.
9. Once you have specified the settings, click the Save Scan Data to apply this scan in bulk to your listed consignments, if all the details are correct then you will see a confirmation message in green color as shown below.


10. If you wish to see the consignment where you apply the scan, it will reflect in the Consignment Details History tab as shown below.


The location is displayed under the Scan Type and the Comments you make show in the Tag/Comments field. The WEB SCAN part of this indicates that this scan was not done via a mobile scanning device, but via the web portal.

Status Changes

1. This section works in a similar way to the scans tab.
2. To Change the Statusfirst manually enter a list of consignments you wish to change the status, as shown below.


One Consignment number need to be added in one line, top to bottom for this to work properly. Ensure there are no preceding or succeeding spaces as these could cause issues when searching for consignments to apply scans to.

3. Select the New Status you want to change for these consignments with the help of Drop and Down button and then click on the Change All Status Now button.
4. If required, you can change the Event Time Date field by clicking on it and select the date and time, if needed with the help of calendar.
5. After step 2, you will see a confirmation message in green color indicates that the change has been successful, and you can see the status change in the history tab of the relevant consignment.


Customer Reassignment 

1. This tab is used to change the customer's name in bulk on a selected list of consignments.
2. To reassign the customerfirst manually enter a list of consignments you wish to reassign shown below.


One Consignment number need to be added in one line, top to bottom for this to work properly. Ensure there are no preceding or succeeding spaces as these could cause issues when searching for consignments to apply scans to.
3. Select the new Customer for these consignments with the help of drop and down button and then click on the Change All Customer Now button to apply this change.
Note: For this to work, the list of consignments you have entered must all be for the same current customer. This will not work if you have a list of consignments with multiple customers, they need to all have the same current customer. If not, you will see this message:

4. You will need to perform any bulk changes in groups of the same current assigned customer, now you will see a confirmation message in green color indicates that the change has been successful as shown below.


5. You can then see the new customer's name on the consignment and the change will be listed in the history tab for any relevant consignments as shown below.


Consignment Field Update

1. This tab is used to perform field updates in bulk to consignments.
2. To update the Consignment Field, first enter a list of consignments you wish to change the status on as shown below.

One Consignment number need to be added in one line, top to bottom for this to work properly. Ensure there are no preceding or succeeding spaces as these could cause issues when searching for consignments to apply scans to.

3. Now first select the Field To update with the help of drop and down button and manually enter the description/detail in Update Field To column, once you done with the changes, click on Update All Consignments Now to implement this change. 
4. If the change is successful, you will see a confirmation message in green color indicates that the change has been successful as shown above.
5. Now to see the changes, go to consignment detail tab, here you can see the changes in Detail (Wherever Applicable) tab as well as history tab as shown below.


6. You can change other fields if needed in bulk, but only from the list provided in the Field to Update column.

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