Agent/Supplier List

Agent/Supplier List

Creating a New Agent Card

  1. In your TransVirtual web portal menu, click on Home -> Card Files -> Agent/Supplier List.

  2. Click on the Add Agent button in the top right corner of the page.

  3. You will be presented with a window to create a New Customer or Link to an existing Customer using the customer's TransVirtual number

  4. Enter an Agent Name and Select "Add"

  5. You will be then presented with a page that allows you to enter details about this agent.

  6. Double left click on any field to edit it;

    • Name: Is the Name you entered when creating this new customer

    • AKA: Is a code that can be used against this client when creating Consignment import rules (You can have more than one, but they must be separated by a comma)

    • Agent Code: Is a code that can be used against this client. It too can be used when creating import rules.

    • Headport Assigned: Is the default Headport that this Agent will be assigned to.

  1. If this client becomes a TransVirtual user, you can also then link this customer with their TransVirtual Number. This allows the transfer of information about shared consignments without the need for import and export rules. This is done by clicking on the "Request link with Customers TransVirtual #" button. Please Note: Informational changes will flow to the assigned agent until they make a change to the consignment information their end,

Link to an Existing Agent using the customer's TransVirtual number

  1. Enter TransVirtual Number of the Agent you are adding.

  2. This will send a request to the Agent that you linking too.

  3. The customer will receive a notification ;to for you to become an agent

  1. They can do one of the following

    1. Accept and Link this to an to an existing Agent in their system

    2. They can Accept and Create a New Agent Card

    3. They can Reject the request.

  2. Once accepted, you will see this new Customer in your customer list. Some of the information about this client is pre-populated. It will still need to be checked and extra details filled out.

Searching/Finding an Agent

  1. To open the Customers List page, go to Home -> Card Files -> Agent/Supplier List

  1. This will open a window that allows you to search/filter for a customer

  1. This page allows you to filter the customers on a number of fields stored against each customer. In this case, Under the "Agent Name" column there is a search box you can enter part of the name. Push the Enter key on the keyboard and you will be showed a list of the customers that match the search criteria.

  2. Double left click the Agent to see its details.

Edit/Modify a Agent

  1. Find/Locate an agent

  2. Once you have found your agent you will be presented with a window as follows;

  1. You can double left click on any field you wish to modify across all of the tabs

  2. When finished modifying any field, select save to update the customer.

Disable an Agent

  1. Find/Locate a customer

  2. Once you have found your customer you will be presented with a window as follows;

  1. Click on the button in the top right hand corner of this page:

  2. You will be prompted with a confirmation screen, click Yes.

Re-Adding a deleted Agent

Agents that are deleted through the Web Portal are only disabled and not presented in the Customers list. Working through the following instructions shows you how to find and re-enable an agent that has been deleted.

  1. To open the Customers List page, go to Home > Card Files > Agent/Supplier List

  1. This will open a window that allows you to search/filter for an Agent

  1. In the top right hand corner there is a tick box labeled "Show Deleted". If you select this tick box it will refresh the Agent List and any deleted Agents will be highlighted in orange.

  2. This page allows you to filter the customers on a number of fields stored against each customer. In this case, Under the "Agent Name" column there is a search box you can enter the part of the name. Push the Enter key on the keyboard and you will be showed a list of the customers that match the search criteria.

  3. Double left click on the customer you wish to re-add and the editing screen will come up for that Agent.

  4. Select the  button in the top right hand corner of the page.

Editing/Modifying Agent Contact Details

Agents can have a list of contact details. They each contain the same basic fields, but there purpose within the software can be important. They can be used in conjunction with EDI export rules to create work flows.


This contact is the default contact used within the software.

  1. Click Edit Details to change any of these details.

  2. Make changes and click "OK" to save

  3. If you wish to cancel these changes at any point, click "Cancel"

Accounts Payable

This contact able to be used with the EDI export rules. i.e. for invoicing

  1. Click Edit Details to change any of these details.

  2. Make changes and click "OK" to save

  3. If you wish to cancel these changes at any point, click "Cancel"

Accounts Receivable -

This contact able to be used with the EDI export rules. i.e. for invoicing

  1. Click Edit Details to change any of these details.

  2. Make changes and click "OK" to save

  3. If you wish to cancel these changes at any point, click "Cancel"


These contact rules can be used with the EDI export rules for various workflows

The Other contact tab has 4 options for you to save contact information against, You select this and then edit the details of that type of contact;

  1. Click Edit Details to change any of these details.

  2. Make changes and click "OK" to save

  3. If you wish to cancel these changes at any point, click "Cancel"

Agent Logo

There are 2 label types that can have personalized logo's. These are Consignment Reports and Consignment Labels. The upload path for both of these is the same.

There are 2 ways to upload the file,

  1. Drag the logo on top of the corresponding report type

  2. Click the box in the corresponding report type and select the appropriate file.

Some ideas to consider are;

  • Agent logo's should be uploaded as either a PNG or JPG file.

  • A image size can be forced within templates, but its better to use an image close to the size you wish to print.

  • Consignment Report should be wider than it is taller

  • Consignment Label should be taller than it is wider.


Create an Agent Login

  1. Click the "New User" button in the top right hand corner.

  1. Enter a Username

  2. Enter a Password

  3. Optionally enter a First and Last name to help making customer identification quick and easy

  4. Click the "Add" button.

Reset a Agents Login Password

  1. Find/Locate an Agent

  2. Go to the Logins tab

  3. Locate the user you wish to change the password of and double left click on the User

  4. Select Change Password and enter the new password in both fields and select save

Agent Consignment Creation Rules Tab

Theses sections allow you to override Global Consignment Creation Rules and make specific customisations for the agent when entering a consignment.


  • Consignment Prefix: Add alpha/numeric prefix to the beginning of consignment numbers. This is also useful for creating rules to manage data.

  • Min Consignment # Length: The shortest number of characters a consignment number can contain.

  • Next Consignment #: The next consignment number that will be generated

  • Change Consignment # if assigned: *** Needs use case to define

  • Barcode Format: Allows you to define the barcode format - See barcode format rules for examples.


  • Manifest Prefix: Add alpha/numeric prefix to the beginning of manifest numbers.

  • Min Manifest # Length:  The shortest number of characters a manifest number can contain.

  • Group Manifests by Customer: Before consignment added to agent manifest, it will ensure manifests are grouped by customer. This helps if your customers need to see agents manifests.

  • Daily Manifests: A new manifest is created for each day. Consignments created with a date in the future will be added to that days manifest.

  • Auto Close Manifests: Auto close manifest at set time. Good for locations which have a regular pickup at the same time each day.

  • Manifest Auto Close Time: Set time for manifest to auto close.

Agent Finance

This article requires you to use the finance module.

Theses sections allow you to override global financial settings and make specific customisations for the customer when entering a consignment.

Finance Settings

These settings are inherited from Settings > Global settings > Finance

  • When to invoice: Set a specific invoice period for a customer.

  • Set invoice date to: Allows you to define the invoice date generation.

  • Auto Close Invoice: Set the rule to define when an invoice should be closed.

  • Invoice Due Date: Allows you to set a due date for the invoice.

  • Tax Number: Allows you to store a tax file number for this customer.

These settings override settings within Finance > Other Setup > Accounting Packages

  • Account Package Settings: Selects the accounting package link for this customer.

  • Linked To: Select the customer within the accounting package that is selected above.

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