To customize the email setting, click on
Settings, email edit setting page will display as shown below.
1. Now fill the email details as describe below.
i. Email Account (Optional: Select the email account with the help of drop-down button.
ii. Send to Consignment Sender Email: Enable the toggle if you wish to send email to the consignment sender mail address.
iii. Send to Consignment Receiver Email: Enable the toggle if you wish to send email to the consignment receiver mail address.
iv. Send to Consignment Creator: Enable the toggle if you wish to send email to the consignment sender mail address.
v. Send to Customer Contact: With the help of drop-down button select the applicable customer contact to send a mail.
For this example, we are going to send the emails to the customer using the Send to Customer Contact field and here we are using General from the list.
To see the email listed in General field, go to applicable customer card file and then click on Contact Field as shown below.
vi. Email To: Manually enter the Email ID in this field.
Email to field should typically be used for internal staff, unless the Data Filter has been limited to a particular customer. Any emails listed in this section will receive all emails generated by this EDI rule, so best to only enter internal staff emails where possible.
vii. Email Subject: field is used to enter text that will be sent as the Email Subject when the email is sent out.
The @Model.ConsignmentNumber is a special coding function that will automatically populate the consignment number. Ensure that this is spelt exactly as above for this to work.
viii. After filling the details the detail screen will look as below.
2. Once email details are filled, now click on body tab and manually enter the message, we are going to send.
@Model.ExtraChargeQty and @Model.ExtraChargeName are special coding functions that automatically populate the name of the Additional Service that has been added to the consignment and the quantity that has been added. Ensure that these are typed exactly as per the above for them to work as expected.
i. The Validate button located bottom-left can be used to preview what the email will look like. It also checks any code you have added and ensures there are no issues.
ii. From here, click on the Update to save the Email settings.