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Additional Services
Additional Services Transvirtual allows users to setup Additional Charges which are extra costs attached to consignments for things like Hand Unloads, Tail Lifts, Out of Area, etc. To setup additional charge, go to Finance > Configuration and Setup > ...
BI (Business Intelligence) Database
BI Reporting When you need the ultimate level of flexibility and customisation with your reporting to drive your analysis and effective decision making processes, a BI reporting option is the stand out choice. What do you get? Your own private read ...
Photos and Images EDI Import
In Transvirtual there is the ability to import photos and images and attach them to relevant consignments. This is done by creating an EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) Import rules in your account that can accept information via Email, FTP or Manual ...
Integration - General Information
Cross Client Data/Integration Requests Transvirtual works with a range of interconnected clients and prides ourselves in the robustness and easy roll out of our integrations. Sometimes we are approached with requests to: Confirm the presence/absence ...
GST Rounding
The invoice tax total isn’t exactly 10% of the invoice base total. Why? This isn’t a mistake of the software but a common misconception between what users expect to see on an invoice and what software systems prefer to do when exchanging data. ...
Popular Articles
User Journeys
What type of business are you? You might be a combination of a few, or even do everything. There are a range of different ways to use and interact with TransVirtual and some common examples are displayed below. Identifying the one closest to your ...
Delivery This article will describe how to perform a basic delivery within the TransVirtual mobile application. From the main page, after loading your consignment(s)/item(s), tap on the delivery button This will present all the consignments loaded ...
Consignment Creation
Creating Consignments The below will describe how to create consignments In the TransVirtual Web Portal, Select the following: Home > Consignment Actions > Create Consignments This will open a window that allows you to enter details of your new ...
Pickup Allocation
The Pickup Allocation screen allows the pickup controller/staff member to see unassigned pickups and allocate them to a driver or agent. You can also see assigned pickups but the primary function of the pickup allocation screen is to assist with ...
TransVirtual Simple CSV Import V1.0
This simple CSV import is designed for customers sending simple consignment data, Sender, Receiver and Item information, but using the consignment numbers for the respective account. There are 2 files attached to this article, they are as follows; ...